How Often Should You Get an HVAC Tune Up in Miami-Dade County, FL?

Are you wondering how often you should get an HVAC tune up in Miami-Dade County, FL? Regular maintenance is the best way to avoid costly repairs and ensure your unit is running optimally. At Century Air Designs, we back all of our HVAC repairs in Florida with a 90-day labor warranty. Preventive maintenance is essential for keeping your HVAC system running smoothly and avoiding expensive repairs. We recommend getting a 24-point inspection and adjustment at least once a year.

This will help you save money on electricity and extend the life of your unit. Adjustments are considered regular maintenance and are often required by manufacturers. The usual AC settings are something that many of us question if they are really necessary. But, making sure your AC is set correctly can help you save money on energy costs and keep your unit running efficiently.

Eladia Valdiviezo
Eladia Valdiviezo

Friendly coffee fanatic. Award-winning web ninja. Friendly social media scholar. Professional web geek. Award-winning tv enthusiast.